Sunday, July 5, 2015

10 Deadly Dating Don’ts...

NiaJean walks into her bedroom after taking Sage and her friends to the movies.  She decides to rest a bit before dropping the girls off for a sleep over.  She looks at the time on her cell phone and for some reason her stomach is churning because she feels like something is missing.  It’s getting very late in the day at this point and she can’t seem to relax so she sits down at her desk, turns on her computer and begins researching.  She stops researching for a moment to start writing her blog.  She types.

It’s a Saturday afternoon and I haven’t heard from him at all.  I’m not sure what I should think of it.  I know he has to visit his kids and make sure he takes care of his fatherly duties but I was hoping I was somewhere in his agenda.  I’m starting think maybe this isn’t the best situation for me.  It’s not because of the kids or the fact that he’s working on getting his second career going.  It’s the fact that we don’t seem to have a great line of communication.  In order for something to work, communication is the key, at least in my opinion.  If that breaks down then what else is left? 

She stops tying and speaks out loud but tries not to talk too loud where the girls can hear her in the next room.  “He’s the one who said we were going to spend more time together, not me!”  She takes a deep breath and continues typing.

Maybe I’m being a little too sensitive.  The day isn’t even over yet. 

She begins browsing through her computer once again and comes across a couple of sites that outline a list of “Don’ts” of relationships and dating so she clicks on one and begins reading.  She becomes curious and searches for more similar sites.  Each site has its own list of don’ts and she meticulously reads each list.  She begins contemplating the ten “don’ts” that are most important to her.

She reads out loud, “Ten Deadly Dating Don’ts.”  She sits back in her chair and contemplates this thought.  “Hmm, interesting.”  She says to herself.  She continues typing.                                                          
In the midst of me typing my blog I decided to do a little research.  I wanted to figure out where women go wrong in the dating department and I came across a couple of lists.  Apparently there are a number of mistakes women make when it comes to dating but I think ten is enough to focus on, at least the ones I feel are important.  So I want to share them.  I have to be honest, I can’t say that I have avoided these mistakes in the past or even recently but here we go.  The “10 Deadly Dating Don’ts” that I think women should avoid while dating are…

1) Don’t Talk About Your Ex.
There’s nothing worse than talking about your Ex on a first date.  A man wants to know he is your focus of attention at least for that one night.

2) Don’t Be a Bad Listener.
Now that you have his attention make sure you give him your attention by listening to what he is saying and partaking in the conversation.  Remember there may be times when the conversation gets a little dull and that’s the time to change the subject and try something new but don’t talk too much.  Its ok to have a few subjects in mind before you go on the date, just don’t sound rehearsed if you have to use them.                                                      
3) Don’t Be So Caught Up in Self.
Me, me, me is not what a man wants to hear the entire night so make sure the conversation’s not all about YOU.  It is ok to be confident but try balancing the conversation by asking him some questions about himself.  Now it doesn’t have to turn into an interview but you spouting off your resume during the entire date isn’t the answer at all.  According dating professionals this is a huge turn off for men, especially if they’re looking for a serious relationship.  A little mystery never hurts.

 4) Don’t Forget Your Manners.
‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ can go a long way.  Don’t forget those simple words make anyone feel appreciated.  Mind your manners when you’re ordering, eating and even leaving.  Believe it or not, it’s a turn-on for men to be in the presence of a woman with manners.

5) Don’t Rush into the “I dos”.
Whatever you do, don’t bring up talk of marriage or having babies on the first date.  It’s ok to be enthusiastic about your future but remember, it is a first date so I’m sure you’re not in love yet.  Don’t be so eager.

6) Don’t be Miss Aggressive.
No matter how attractive a man is, I don’t think it’s a good idea to sleep with him on the first date.  Ladies just because he bought your dinner doesn’t mean you have to pay him back in the bed.  You know that can borderline as something else, just saying.

7) Don’t Expect Him to always Foot the Bill.
While there are still a few men who insist on paying, times have changed and they appreciate it when a woman at least offers to pay.  After a while he might be turned off if you never offer or at least reach for your purse.

8) Don’t Be So Needy or Available.
Being too clingy or needy is a big turn off.  Don’t try so hard.  Give the man a chance to like you, intrigue him.  A man wants to feel like he’s getting a prize that he has won and it’s up to you to remind him.  Take your time and keep your options open and don’t make yourself so available, it’s ok to miss a day or two of emailing, calling or texting.  Remember, you don’t always have to say “yes”.

9) Don’t Be Someone You’re Not.
Since a lot of women think they know what a man wants and what he’s thinking, we miss something.  We don’t give them credit for wanting more than just looks and a lot of times women go over board to get his attention.  They’ll do or wear unusual or outrageous things that aren’t even a part of their character just to please him.  Men can see right through the fake you and will get tired of it eventually. 

10) Don’t Forget to have Fun.
The most important thing to remember is to make sure you have fun on the first date!

Women have a need to feel “safe” before anything else can even happen but in order to make things happen there are some mistakes we need to learn to avoid.  No one is perfect so we shouldn’t be looking for perfection in anyone.  I know at some point we want to be considered “girlfriend” or “wifey” material so maybe we should take heed to a couple of the tips the next time we go out on a date.  These tips may not be for everyone but I think I’m going to give some of them a try.

NiaJean leans back in her chair and reviews her “10 Deadly Dating Don’ts”.  Then says to herself,   “I just wish I knew about these ‘Don’ts’ sooner…”

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